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3 min read

Why We Are Passionate About Our Company Culture


Over the years the founding partners and the Call-Em-All team have worked vigorously to create and instill a GREAT company culture. So what does having a great culture really mean? We define culture as creating a company that develops a more meaningful experience for customers and inspires employees to come to work happy. I think it’s safe to say that we have succeeded. I challenge anyone to walk through our office and find someone who isn't passionate, motivated, and excited about the work they are doing. In fact, our Founder and President, Brad is passionate about telling the team to notify him immediately if they ever dread coming into the office. We all doubt this will ever happen.

Call-Em-All has created an environment where hard work breeds new ideas, creativity, and challenges (all of which are not typically associated with the corporate definition of “hard work.") In fact, Call-Em-All isn't “work," it’s who we are. All 22 team members are dedicated to providing the customer with the best experience possible while being the best at what we do. Our family (we really do feel like a family) takes pride in providing a service that we believe truly helps people. The fact that our work helps others communicate important messages is very motivating and we strive to display that to each client.

Small Giants Community Executive Director Raul Candeloro  says “…the biggest mistake small business owners make is not recognizing the impact of increased engagement and the importance of culture as a competitive differentiator.”

Call-Em-All is dedicated to setting new standards for excellence as a business by producing a great product and service. We strive to make significant contributions to our community while staying true to our values and quality of life. We are still human and struggle with this ideal at times, but we are able to recognize our shortfalls and most importantly improve. This comes with transparency, honesty, and the biggest factor: TRUST.

In order to succeed we believe each team member must trust the person sitting next them. They must also be able to question and challenge ideas. Good relationships, whether personal or professional, with employees and customers are our greatest asset.

Another book that is echoed throughout the Call-Em-All office is The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. The thesis is that all teams must overcome five correlated dysfunctions before reaching complete efficiency: lack of trust, fear of (HEALTHY) conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountability, and inattention to results.

“Trust is knowing that when a team member does push you, they're doing it because they care about the team,” says author Patrick Lencioni.

Healthy conflict is created through trust. Our weekly metrics meeting is a prime example of exhibiting healthy conflict and full financial transparency. We've created an open book mentality that requires us to share everything with our teammates because great teams do not hold back with one another. They are unafraid to air their dirty laundry, admit mistakes, weaknesses, and concerns without fear of reprisal. It is a responsibility as a team member to question, challenge, and hold each other accountable for the greater cause.


Call-Em-All is bold, creative, intimate, and small. This is how we define being “great” at what we do. Hopefully by now you have read the Call-Em-All Manifesto. This is simply a mission statement and a collection of ideas that define who we are as a company. We are currently in the process of supplementing our Manifesto with what we’re calling the Call-Em-All “Formula." Our Formula comes directly from 5 Dysfunctions, and outlines how we work. In our own words, our team has outlined five key steps that we must take in order to produce great work. Call-Em-All believes that these steps are vital to our success and we look forward to sharing them with our clients. 

We believe that in order for Call-Em-All to maintain its company culture, we must do one thing: practice what we preach. No matter who is listening or watching, we must demonstrate the values, manifesto, and formula in our everyday lives. This must be demonstrated not only when the phone rings, but when we are meeting a friend for lunch, talking to the grocery store clerk, or responding to a customer that needs help at 2am. We remember that what defines us as a company should define us a person. We believe that you should experience this every time you communicate with a Call-Em-All family member.

Please accept this as a challenge to hold us accountable to practice what we preach! Put us to the test. I feel pretty confident that we will blow your mind!